Capsa Susun is a card gambling game that is very popular in countries in Asia, including Indonesia. Even this one game is also played to the United States so that this game is known by several names.
In Cantonese countries this game is called Sap Sam Cheung (which means 13 cards), in Vietnam it is called Xap Xam Chuong. In Chinese, it is called Luosong Pai Jiu (which means Russian Pai Gow). This game is very much related to Pai Gow.
While in the United States itself, capsa stacking is better known as Chinese Poker or Russian Poker. Some people use the name Chinese poker because of the Big Two game. In Hawaii it is called Pepito, in the Philippines it is known as Pusoy, so it is not to be confused with Pusoy Dos.
For those of you who want to try it by playing online, https://www.ioncasino.cc/ can help you get entertainment that tests this agility competition. As part of the IDN Poker agents, ion casino can be the best places for you to make card gambling bets with a light deposit and can be paid with credit or topup through payment gateway services such as OVO and others.
Basic Rules of Playing Capsa Susun
How to arrange cards in the capsa game, when you have got 13 cards distributed by the dealer, then you have to make them into 3 parts with the following distribution.
Bottom = 5 cards
Center = 5 cards
Top = 3 cards
The arrangement of the cards must be in accordance with the rules that apply in offline games and on online gambling sites such as Smilepoker and SmileQQ, namely the bottom row, middle row, and top row. The bottom of the card must be higher than the middle and the middle must be higher than the top. If there is an error in the preparation of the card, it will be considered forfeited and lost. Card counting is done when the allotted time ends.
When we fight the opposing player’s card, it will be pitted according to the bottom card arrangement to the top card arrangement.

The following is the order of flower cards from the highest to the lowest:
- Spades
- Hearts
- Club
- Diamonds
The flower value from the highest to the lowest in the capsa stacking game
The value of the stacked capsa card: A > K > Q > J > 10 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2
The order of the stacking capsa cards: Royal Flush > Straight Flush > Four of a Kind > Full House > Flush > Straight > Three of a Kind > 2 Pair > Pair > High Card. The order of the arrangement of the cards in the capsa stacking game is the same as the order of the cards in the capsa banting game.
Calculation of Capsa Points
When ready, all players will issue three parts of the card arrangement. Each part will be pitted against other players. When you win from one player and another player beats you, then the result is that no one loses and no one wins (draw).
In pitting cards with other players, when you win 1 arrangement, you will get 1 point. Vice versa, if you lose 1 arrangement, it will be deducted 1 point. If a player has a special card, then that player will get points as shown in the table below.
If you win from an opposing player in each arrangement (bottom card, middle card, and top card), you will get x2 points.
If all players win in each arrangement (bottom card, middle card, and top card), they will get x4 points.
Those are some Tips and How to Play Capsa Susun that we can share with you all. Hopefully it can help you to quickly learn to play the capsa stacking game.
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